How to plant a Tree
First--choose the planting site and ask permissionThis is an important first step. The reason why this step is first is because everything you do might depend on where you are going to plant your tree. For example, if you want to plant a tree in a park, you first need to find out who manages the park (is this a city park, state park, private, etc.) and ask their permission to plant a tree. ·
Second--get a tree
You might be able to have a tree donated for your project or you might need to raise funds to purchase a tree. Check with your state or community forester to see if they have any programs where they give away trees for tree planting projects. ·
Third--plant the tree
Use proper tree planting tree procedures!
No matter if you plant the tree by yourself or with your family, friends, club, class or scout members, you will want to use proper tree planting procedures - to make sure the tree has the best chance for a long life.