Welcome to Plant Home
This is the only platform opens for Changchun citizens.
We are a professional home for your plant. Our website suuport you to upload all the information for your plant. You are able to open a blog for them which is for free. You can also upload their pictures everyday to record their changes.
This website is just facing ChangChun City. Every week we are going to group a activity for our members to provider them a better atomosphere to communicate their experience about plant.
There are also some small games can support you to entertainment.
ChangChun city flower-kaffir lily
Cultural information: Kaffir Lily is an undemanding and an easy to grow indoor flowering house plant. Kaffir Lilies are slow growers that eventually will become quite large. Flowers are most common in late winter to early spring. All parts of Clivia miniata are somewhat poisonous and may cause mild upset stomach if ingested. Not a good choice for folks who own house cats. Sap from the plants leaves or roots may irritate sensitive skin.
How to plant a flower
Planting annual and perennial flower is an easy task, but with a few tips, your flowers will get off to a fast, healthy start that will reward you with bigger and better blooms down the road.
It's best to plant when it's not especially hot or sunny. An overcast day when rain is forecast is ideal − your watering will get done for you.
Plant most annuals and perennials after or before your season's last frost date. While spring is the most popular time to plant, perennials often do fine if planted in early fall in the North; late fall in the South. Northern gardeners also have the luxury of planning throughout much of the summer as long as the day isn't especially hot − say, over 75 degrees.
New Activities in Changchun
19/07/2010 20:50
This weekend we are going to hava a party in 3Monkey to celabrate.......